Monday, November 22, 2010


Hello Earthlings (And Livvy and Jessie),
Or should I say OLIVE AND JOSSIE. No, I shouldn't, That sounds awkward.
 At this moment I am writing a blog post ("Well duh, obviosl-") Be quiet stupid parentheses! You are not contributing to this conversation.

Today in Algebra (AHL-JE-BRA) Lindsey asked why her seat was warm. I said (very loudly) "I BET SOMEONE FARTED IN IT!" then Mr. Mcgrath stared at me like I was crazy. Pshaw. Crazy? NO! ME? NEVER! I am the most normal person you will ever meet. Ever. Like in the whole world. In the whole Solar system,  the whole Galaxy, the whole galaxy cluster, the whole universe! I think that's pretty big. Like even more than 5 Kilometers! Which is very small BIG! yeah, I just crossed something out, but you can tell that I really meant for you to see it, because if  I didn't, I would have deleted it.         . Like that. You will never know what was once between those two periods.  MWAHAHAHAHA! Wow this paragraph has certainly drifted. Lets start a new one, shall we? Meet you there! BYE!

Heyyyyyyyyyyy Sup? This actually isn't the correct paragraph. Try scrolling down a little.

Little more!

Tiny scooch more!

Oh here you are! Wait why is the text size so small? OOPS! I forgot to change it. Now- AHHH! that's too big! Shrink it! Shrink it! Phewf! Well I'm Glad that's taken care of. Why did I capitalize glad? I confuse myself sometimes.

Sorry, got distracted.Yeah I 'm going to go now. BYE!

Thursday, July 29, 2010


i know its been a while and i probably wont be posting a lot, but i think that i need to give Livvy her prize from my first contest. i emailed her a pig, i hope she gets it and puts it on her blog.

I will give out some other awards at random, so keep watching.

Monday, May 24, 2010


as u can see i even changed my background!


OK, I'm done.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


hey guys! remember when Livvy made a bag about avocados? well i want to make a bag too! you guys are going to help me! i want the bag to say something about acting or theatre or Broadway or movies or musicals or stuff like that. leave comments saying things to put on it and i might pick yours!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

:( :( :( :( :(

why arent you guys doing my contest??? its awesome and there are prizes!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


OK so a lot of you said you really liked the contest i did a while back, so I'm gonna do another one!

this will be an image contest. you can take the picture your self, draw, paint etc. the picture and take a picture of it, or find an image from the Internet. PRIZES FOR PARTICIPANTS AND WINNERS!

you must find, or create pictures of.....

  • a FUNNILY dressed up vegetable (or fruit)
  • a VERY busy street
  • a HILARIOUS TV (or video, or movie) screenshot
  • EMOTIONAL tic tacks(they exist, I've seen them)
  • and finally, a STUPIDLY SILLY Halloween costume
happy hunting!

luv, Ally

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

im a super special sexy spanish dancer!!!

OK maybe not sexy.
and I'm not really Spanish.
super? eh, maybe...
ohhhhh yessss
and i am a dancer.

like my costume? you should see my recital. Sarah's in it. and mande and oseaba. see it. SEE IT.

see it.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy day!


today is a day off!!!! yay!!! so im going to gimmie with my mom then sarah is coming over, then im going to her house and thats it. YAYYAYYAYYAYYAYYAYYAYYAY.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


What should I have done?

Was I wrong?

I'm not sure.....

That's life.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


A couple days ago my parents and I went to the plantations to send up balloons for my grandmother, who died 1 year ago. It was really nice.

our balloons

I love you Gram,

love, Ally

Monday, May 3, 2010

Tag! I'm it!

i got tagged by Anna! OK 8 random things about ME!

  1. I started reading when I was 3 1/2.
  2. My favorite color when I was little was Yellow, but I called it yeyo.
  3. My favorite wii game is we cheer 2.(i know, you can hate me)
  4. I have a creepy flower thing on my window.
  5. I started acting when I was 4.
  6. My favorite musical is Urinetown.
  7. I hate when people write apostrophes when they shouldn't( i have for cat's).
  8. I wish I could read minds
That was fun!

luv, Ally

Thursday, April 29, 2010


there is this cool webbysite called the oatmeal.
i took some quizzes. here are my results. TRY THEM AND POST RESULTS ON YOUR BLOG!

How many hungry weasels could your body feed?

Created by Oatmeal

How many germs live on your cell phone?

Created by Oatmeal

How many tapeworms could live in your stomach?

Created by Oatmeal

How long could you survive after punching a bear in the balls?

Created by Oatmeal

Could you pass a driving test?

Created by Auto Insurance

How long could you survive chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor?

Created by Oatmeal

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Mr Gotlieb had a garden.E-I-E-I-O. And on that garden he had some kids. E-I-E-I-O. with a "dig dig" here and a "dig dig" there. here a "dig" there a "dig" everywhere a "dig dig" . Mr Gotlieb had a garden.E-I-E-I-O. And on that garden he had an Ally. E-I-E-I-O. with a "jump jump!" here and a "jump! jump!" there. here a "jump!" there a "jump!" everywhere a "jump! jump!" . Mr Gotlieb had a garden.E-I-E-I-O. And on that garden he had a Livvy. E-I-E-I-O. with a "Jessie! Jessie!" here and a "Jessie! Jessie!" there. here a "Jessie!" there a "Jessie!" everywhere a "Jessie! Jessie!" . Mr Gotlieb had a garden.E-I-E-I-O.And on that garden he had an Alex. E-I-E-I-O. with a "AGH AGH" here and a "AGH AGH" there. here a "AGH" there a "AGH" everywhere a "AGH AGH" . Mr Gotlieb had a garden.E-I-E-I-O. And on that garden he had a Jessie. E-I-E-I-O. with a "plop plop" here and a "plop plop" there. here a "plop" there a "plop" everywhere a "plop plop" . Mr Gotlieb had a garden. E-I-E-I-O.


Monday, April 19, 2010

Jacky P

hello friends!

i was reading a totally awesome blog by Jessie ( and i saw a beautifull picture. so i tried myself. um. yeah.

ees bootiful no?

hmmm.... mabye ill let jackson pollock do it........

try it yourself and post it on your bloggy!

luv, Ally

the world is a dirty place.

Hey guys!

so yesterday i opened a cabinet and i saw a moth on the door. i hit the door to try to make it leave. the it turned and i saw another moth attached to him. they started walking away akwardly. i screamed. my dad killed them. the end!

then today i was doing my homework when my mom was like "omg! look at the squirrels!" (not a direct quote) so i looked and a boy(hopefully) squirrel was umm,well... umm "playing" with the girl sqirrel. Then the girl was like "ok fine you can have me and started humping the boy for about 5 seconds. My mom was like "was that all he gets?" then they moved to the tree. then i left.

luv, Ally

Sunday, April 18, 2010


OK! I've decided on prizes and they will be.........................

STICKERS!!!!! (not those)
ill give um too you on Monday!
luv, ally

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Sorry guys, i was supposed to announce the winner yesterday, but i was busy so today i will!
3 people participated!

You all get prizes!
and the person who gets two pries is.........
2~ Livvy!
it was random, believe me.
Yay! now i have to decide the prize.
luv, ally

Monday, April 5, 2010


OK no one will probably participate in this, but anyone who does is awesome and will get a prize. The winner will get 2 prizes! here's the contest. Its like a scavenger hunt!
Find, and post on your blog:
  • A picture of a dog pretending to be a bunny
  • A video of a father failing
  • A poem (you can write one yourself) about a chicken eating a starfish
  • A wikipedia article about the hobo convention
  • A fan page for someone you've never heard of
Have fun! ill try to find these things too!
PS. leave a comment and link to your blog post if you do the contest. I will announce the winner on Saturday.
Happy hunting!
luv, Ally

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Name change

Hi guys!
As you might have noticed, i changed the name of my blog (I'm still awesome). I Think this title is more creative,and i like it better. What do YOU think?

Practice makes perfect.....

hello out there!
today i decided I wasgoing to practice my stagee makeup for singin in the rain. IT IS CRAZY!!!!
we have to have pale foundation, lots of eyeshaddow, and bright red lipstick.
then i decided to curl my hair with my new hot rollers.
here is a picture and one in color

They are creepy right? oh well,
luv, Ally

Friday, April 2, 2010

The 2 princesses

hey guys!
so today i am going to tell you an amazing story, told to me by Olivia in play practice!

ahem. Once upon a time, there were 2 princesses who were twins. They were named Ally and Olivia. everywhere they went, people thought they were sisters, which was reasonable, because they were. One day they met a fairy named Adriana. Then they met a dragon named- That was as far as we got, cause Livvy had to go on stage. ADD YOUR OWN ENDING! it will be a contest! ill give the winner a something. YAY!

luv, ally

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Long post.

hello out there!
today i will try the impossible. I will right a long post.......EEEEEKKK! ok.i can do this.
lets talk about- oh wait i have to go to dinner.... I VIL BE BACK!!!!

to be cont...

ok im back! first. To Olivia's comment. I cant seem to post a comment (grrrr) so ill answer the question here. My awesome cousin Grace took it over the summer on the beach. she is a photographer (I'm on her website!). Yes it it very hot wild corn :)

now. what do i talk about?
im going to tell you how to say "thats what she said" in different langguages, mkay?

French: est ce qu'elle a dit
Dutch: dat is wat zij zei
German: das ist, was sie sagte
Italian: quello che cosa ha detto
Spanish: eso es lo que ella dijo

that was boring.

ok now probably no ones reding this. WOW! i spelled probably right on my firt try!!!

luv, Ally

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Pineapple rice


so tomorrow our FCS cultural food project is due, along with food from our country(I picked Thailand). I made pineapple rice and it is very very yummy.

OK that's it.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

closing night :((((

Hello everybody!

so today is a very sad day. Tonight is the closing of the opera The Little Prince. *sniff*
I don't really have anything else to say today, so bye bye!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

First post!!!!


well I really don't think I will update this that much, but its worth a try.
So, how many people are wearing PJ's tomorrow? I am!
Happy spirit week!
